Thursday 18 October 2012

AAPS 2012 Meeting and Exposition

AAPS 2012 in Chicago

American Association of Pharmaceutical Society breezed into Chicago, the windy city, for the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' (AAPS) annual conference. It is an annual meeting of Pharmacists from all over the world to disuss the challanges of the day and to share the experiences of scientists in their relative fields and also to discuss the progess of their lab works and to fined the possible solutions of the common problems.

It was an year ago when my professor said,: Keep concentration on your research work, so that we may be able to present your work in next AAPS conference". Since then we have always been told to keep working and bring some results. I thought it is a style of our professor to get work from us. But 2 months before the conference professor said us to apply for the conference registration and then US visa to attend the conference.

For me it was a good news. But I am not among those who just wanted to go to US and those who have something more than a craze for that. I would prefer Europe if i have a chance to go to US and Europe at the same time. Anyhow at that time it was still not obvious to get a visa for US. I am soon writing a blog about the US VISA PROCESS FOR A FORIEGNER from Seoul, South Korea.

 We were in a group of two, One from my University The Hanyang University ERICA Campus and the other Yeongnam University Daegu, totally 16 including 6 professors and 10 students. Beside me there were 2 students from Nepal, One from Vaithnam , 1 from India and 6 from Korea. It was a nice combination as we have already friendship and we attended many conferences together.

The journey with United Airline was good and comfortable also our stay in Dayinns hotel near Ohare airport was good except onething that the hotel was suffocative and for me it was a real trouble to stay in there.

We have 10 poster presentations in the conference totally related to many fields of Pharmacy mostly associated to the Development of novel dosage form. My work is on anti-cancer drug and I was supposed to search for some new techniques to be used for my medicine to make Solid lipid Nano particles, which is an important part of my research. Although it was difficult job but finally I found some researchers who were working on the same line of study, which I am working on. It was a nice talk to them. we exchange visiting cards and agreed to have collaborative work. Also to share some experimental techniques to persue our work together.

 One thing that was quite challanging was the early morning rise up and to go to attend the breakfast session with senior professors and discuss our results and projects. But i really like that session. The rest of unlikely in any other country, People were taking interest in the sessions and some of the sessions were over crowded. Also the exhibitions were intresting and first time i found people using the exhibiions for educative purpuses..
 Food was relly good in Chicago..As the people of ths city Love eating and they are fat in true meanings.. Even for me, (Vegeterian) it was easy to found anything to eat in buffet.. However my friends have lots of choices with meet and the verious dishes including meet.

Those 5 days of conference were really amazing with lots of learning and fun. Our life while all these days was busy as we have to wake early in the morning, drive for 45 min to conference place, the Mc Cormik place and then stay in conference till 4 PM ..then to go back to hotel. at 6 PM to go for dinner and then Shopping. Sometime it was just annoying.. but overall we had a real fun .

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