Friday, 31 January 2014


گھر محبتوں کا ایک گھونسلہ ۔۔۔۔تنکا تنکا بکھری چاہتوں کاایک مسکن ۔۔۔ لمحہ لمحہ روح میں اترتے سکون کا احساس۔۔ وقت کے ہر پل سے جڑی اپنائیت ، جس کی کوئی زبان اور اظہار کو کوئی طریقہ نہیں۔۔ طمانیت اور اپنائیت کی ایک لمبی داستان۔۔۔ جس کے صفحہ قرطاس پر بکھرے خوشی اور غم موتیوں کی طرح چمکتے ہیں ۔ لمحہ لمحہ جڑی اس زنجیر کی پہلی اور آخری کڑی ۔۔۔۔۔ماں۔۔۔۔۔۔۔جو اس سلسلے ، اس تعلق کو جوڑے رکھتی ہے۔ اور گھر کے افراد تسبیح کے دانوں کی طرح پروئے رہتے ہیں۔۔۔
ہماری محبتوں کی یہ داستاں ادھوری رہ گئی ، ٹوٹ گئی، وہ زنجیر جس نے ہمارے گھر کے افراد کو کڑیوں کی طرح ملا رکھا تھا۔۔ اجڑ گیا وہ گھونسلہ ، جس کا تنکا تنکا "مور خان" نے بٹی محنت ، چاہت اور اپنائیت سے جوڑا تھا اور اس  گھونسلے میں منتظر آج بھی وہ بچے " چوں چوں" کرتے اس لمحے کے انتظار میں ہیں ، جب ان کی ماں اپنی چونچ میں " زندگی" بھر کے ان کے منہ میں انڈیل دے۔۔۔ لیکن اب باقی زندگی شاید اسی انتظار میں کتے گی۔۔۔
مجھے لگتا ہے ، جیسے میں ایک ڈراونا خواب دیکھ رہا ہوں ،ایک ایسا خواب جس کے اختتام پر میں اٹھ بیٹھوں گا ۔۔اور پھر مجھے کچھ یاد نہیں آئے گا ۔ تب میں سر جھٹک کر اعوز باللہ کا ورد کروں گا ۔۔۔لیکن یہ ایک حقیقت ہے ، کڑوی حقیقت۔۔ مجھے لگتا ہے "وہ" اس وقت بھی مِرے پاس موجود ہے ، میرے آس پاس، وہی اپنائیت، وہی چاہت ، وہی پرسکون لمحہ ، وہی مسکراہٹ ، وہی محبت ، وہی لمس ،سانسوں کی وہی گرمی ، شفقت کی وہی نگاہ ۔۔۔میں محسوس کر سکتا ہوں۔۔۔۔ وہی مری "ماں۔۔"
دل بھی کیا عجیب شے ہے، خوہش بھی کرتا ہے امنگیں بھی جگاتا ہے اور ارمان بھِی۔۔ پھر روٹھ بھی جاتا ہے ۔ اور پھر "ان" کا دل تو اور بھی عجیب تھا ، جو سب کے لئے یکساں دھڑکتا تھا۔ جس میں سب کے لئے محبتیں تھیں، سب کے لئے نیک خواہشیں اور امنگیں تھیں، جو سب کے لئے میٹھے جذبات سے پر تھا، وہ دل تھا ، جب تک دھڑکتا رہا۔۔محبتیں بٹتی رہیں، چاہتیں پرورش پاتی رہیں، اور جب اس نے دھڑکنا بند کردیا تو سب کچھ ختم سا ہو گیا۔ ہم لوگ تہی دامن رہ گئے ، کچھ بھی پاس نہ رہا۔۔۔وہ آواز جو ہمیشہ کے لئے چپ ہو گئی ، جو ہم سب کی چھوٹی چھوٹی تکلیفوں پر " جیو، ۔۔جار" کی صورت ہر بار بلند ہوتی ، حوصلہ بڑھاتی۔۔۔وہ لب یمیشہ کے لئے خاموش ہوگئے جن پر ہر وقت ہمارے تذکرے ہوتےتھے ۔ کبھی تعریف کی صورت میں تو کبھی دعا کی صورت۔۔ وہ جادو بھری جپھی ہمیشہ کے لئے کھو گئی ، جوڈی آئی کے جانے اور آنے کی صورت میں ہمیشہ مجھے ملا کرتی۔۔مری "مور خان" سے ۔۔
The place where Mor Khan is sleeping eternal sleep. May Allah shower His countless blessings upon her. Ameen
مجھے میری زندگی کا وہ ایک ایک لمحہ یاد ہے ، جب میں نے ان کی ضرورت محسوس کی ، تو انہوں نے مجھے اپنی آغوش میں لیا ، وہ آغوش جو میری جنت تھی ۔ اور جو تئییس سال کا ہونے کے باوجود " میری آغوش" تھی۔ جہاں پر سر رکھ کر میں محسوس کرتا ، جیسے دنیا کی سب سے پر سکون جگہ یہی ہو۔ تب میں خود کو دنیا کا خوش قسمت ترین انسان تصور کرتا ۔ ایک ایسا انسان جس کے پاس سب کچھ ہو ، سب کچھ۔۔ جب جب میں نے زندگی کےکٹھن سفر میں کوئی دشواری محسوس کی ، جس جس لمحہ زندگی میں سخت امتحان کا سامنا ہوا، میں نے "ان" کو صدا دی، اور مجھے یقین ہوتا کہ کامیابی ضرور میرا مقدر بنے گی اور پھر ہمیشہ میں سرخرو ہوتا ۔ میں نے ان برکتوں کو محسوس کیا ، ان کے دم سے ان کی دعاوں کی بدولت میں نے ناممکنات کو ممکن ہوتے دیکھا۔۔ ان کے ہونٹ ہمیشہ چلتے رہے ہمارے لئے ۔۔۔گھر بھرکے افراد کے لئے ۔۔ شاید انہوں نے ساری عمر اپنے لئے کچھ نہیں مانگا۔۔۔اور ہمارے لئے لمبی عمر کی دعائیں مانگنے والی کی اپنی زندگی کی لکیر مختصر رہ گئی۔۔۔

مجھے سترہ جنوری کی وہ صبح کبھی نہیں بھولے گی ، جب ایک طرف موذن نے "اللہ اکبر " کی صدا بلند کی ، سلامتی کا پیغام دیا اور دوسری طرف ہمارے لئے دعاگو رہنے والے لب ہمیشہ کے لئے چپ اوڑھ کر سو گئے ۔۔وہ زنجیر ٹوٹ گئی جس نے ہم سب کو ایک لری میں پرو رکھا تھا۔ ڈوب گئی وہ صدا جو ہمارے لئے باعثِ اطمینانِ قلب تھی ۔ ٹوٹ گیا وہ سائباں ، جس نے دنیا کے سرد وگرم سےہمیں پناہ دے رکھی تھی۔ الٹ گئی وہ کشتی ، جس کا ساحل ابھی دور تھا ۔ اور ادھوری رہ گئی محبتوں کی وہ داستاں، جس میں ہم نے وفائیں کرنا بھی تھیں اور نبھانی بھی۔۔ اور پھر پہلی بار ایسا بھی ہوا، کہ میں ڈی آئی کے سے اپنے گھر لوٹا پوں اور میری ماں نے میرا ماتھا چوم کر مرا استقبال نہیں کیا۔ میں نے تو بس سفید کپڑوں میں لپٹا ہوا ایک وجود دیکھا، ایک بے حس وجود۔۔ لیکن "ان: کے چہرے پر تب بھی وہی سکون اور طمانیت تھی جو انہی کا خاصہ تھی۔۔اس دن مجھے کسی نے جادو کی پھی نہیں دی۔ البتہ میں نے ضرور چومنے کی کوشش کی ۔۔ سوچنے ، سمجھنے کی صلاحیت سلب ہو چکی تھی۔ اور مجھے ایسا لگ رہا تھا کہ کہ جیسے ایک قدم بھی نہیں اتھا پاون گا ۔ کسی بے جان اور بے حس لاشے کی طرح۔۔

مور خان بالکل ایک چھوٹے بچے کی طرح تھیں۔ معصوم اور پاک ۔ چھوٹی چھوٹی باتوں کو مائنڈ نہ کرنے والی ، اور پھر چھوٹی چھوٹی بات سے ہی خوش اور راضی ہو جانے والی ۔۔۔۔انتہائی حساس اور خوددار، بالکل چھوٹے بچوں کی طرح ۔۔ روٹھ جاتیں تو کھانا تک نہ کھاتیں ، جب تک کہ انہیں منا نہ لیا جاتا۔ رحمدل اتنی تھیں کہ کئی بار ہم نے انہیں دوسروں کے دکھ پر پریشان اور غمزدہ دیکھا۔ کوئی دردناک واقعہ ہو جاتا، مرے دوستوں میں یا کہیں بھی ، تو ان کی آنکھیں بھیگ جایا کرتیں ۔۔وہ حتی الوسع مسئلوں کو حل کرنے کی کوشش کرتیں ، ان کا دل بہت وسیع تھا ، جس میں انہوں نے دوسروں کے درد بھی چھپا رکھے تھے ۔ اسی وجہ سے انہیں انجائنا، شوگر اور فشارِ خون جیسی بیماریوں کا سامنا تھا۔ اور اب شاید ان کے دل میں جگہ ہی نہیں بچی تھی، تبھی تو وہ دل یوں روٹھ گیا ۔۔۔ تھوڑے کو بہت سمجھنے والی مری " مورخان"، مری ماں، کو اللہ تعالیٰ نے سب کچھ دیا ، سب کچھ ، ماسوائے ایک لمبی زندگی کے ، جو صرف بیالیس پر ہی ختم ہو گئی۔،۔۔صرف بیالیس سال۔۔۔
اللہ تعالیٰ فرماتے ہیں ، میں انسان کو اتنی تکلیف دیتا ہوں ، جتنا اسے سہنے کی ہمت ہوتی ہے ۔۔اور بے شک ایسا ہی ہے ۔۔ نجم اور اظہر میرے چھے سال اور چار سالہ بھائی ۔۔اللہ تعالیٰ نے ان کو استقامت دی ہے ۔ اظہر جو ماں کے بگیر دیوانہ وار ادھر ادھر بھاگتا تھا ، روتا تھا، جسے چپ کرانا مشکل تھا ۔ اس کی معصوم سوچ میں یہ بات ہے کہ اس کی ماں اللہ کو پیاری ہو گئی ۔ کبھی کبھی میرے دو بھائیوں کے آپس کی باتیں مجھے بے خود کر دیتیں ۔ نجم بابا سے کہتا ہے ، " یہ سب کیوں رو رہے ہیں" ہم سب نے بھی تو مر ہی جانا ہے ۔ اور اظہر پوچھتا ہے ، نجم ، امی کو کہاں لے گئے ہیں۔۔؟ " نجم کہتا ہے "تو کیا یہیں دفن کرتے؟" قبرستان تو لے ہی جانا تھا ۔ اللہ نے ہمیں بھی صبر سے ہی دیا ۔۔ اظہر جو امی کے ساتھ سوتا تھا اور جب امی اٹھ جایا کرتیں تو وہ بھی جاگ جاتا تھا ، اب اسکی عادتیں بدل رہی ہیں۔

کتنی پرسکون زندگی تھی ، کیا حالات تھے ، تحفظ کا ایک احساس تھا ، کسی کی ماں کی دعاوں کامان تھا۔ ہر کام میں ہاتھ ڈالا ، یہ سوچ کر کہ پیچھے ہے کوئی ، جو جب بھی ہاتھ اٹھاتی ہے ، ہماری سلامتی اور بقاء کا کا سوال کرتی ہے ۔ اور اب ایسے محسوس ہوتا ہے جیسے تہی دست سا پو گیا ہوں۔ کبھی کبھی تو یوں بھی لگتا ہے کہ جیسے جینے کا مقصد ہی ختم ہو گیا ہو۔ ہم لوگ کیاکچھ نہیں کرتے۔۔ اس دنیا میں رہنے کے لئے ۔ ہم سمجھتے ہیں کہ ہمیں سدا یہیں کا ہی ہو رہنا ہے ، ہمارے دل میں ہزاروں خواہشیں اور سینکڑوں ارمان جنم لیتے ہیں اور ہم ہر رات ایک نیا خواب دیکھتے ہیں ۔پھر اس کی تکمیل کے لئے دن رات ایک کر دیتے ہیں ۔۔اور ہوں ساری زندگی گزار دیتے ہیں۔ اور پھر اچانک وہ لمحہ آجاتا ہے جو ہماری دنیاوی زندگی کا آخری اور اخروی زندگی کا پہلا لمحہ ہوتا ہے ۔۔ یہ ایک حقیقت ہے کہ ہر ذی روح نے موت کا ذائقہ چکھنا ہے ۔۔اور جانے کب وہ لمحہ ہمارے خوابوں اور ان کی تعبیر کے درمیان آ کھڑا ہو، اور ہمیں جانا پڑے۔۔۔۔ یہ حقیقت نہ ہوتی تو بھلا کیسے ۔۔"مور خان" مری ماں کی زندگی کی کہانی صرف بیالیس سال پر مشتمل ہوتی۔۔بھلا 
 Thanks to my friend Abdul Basit Saim for the re-writing of this article....کیسے۔۔۔۔۔

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Sports Events of Pakistan

This blog is written for the 2014 Incheon Asian Games promotion. Here is the actual link..

Pakistan is a country with love and respect for games and players from around the globe. However being exposed to undesired war against terrorism and extremism the grounds of Pakistan remains empty in the previous year and international events were not arranged in the grounds of the most talented nation with naturally gifted players. The fields of Pakistan are looking forward to meet the awesome athletes from around the globe in different games. It hoped that the stadiums of Pakistan will be beautified by the presence of international players and spectators soon. Here by discussed are the certain games and festivals which will takes place in 2014 in different areas of Pakistan.

Cholistan Car rally
Pakistan will host the international car rally in Cholistan on Feb 14-16, 2014. Cholistan is locally known as Rohi. This famous desert is 30 Km from Bahawalpur, and comprises an area of approximately 16,000, which extends up to the Thar Desert, and over to Sindh. Camel and Jeep Safaris and Tours in the Cholistan Desert give tourists the opportunity to learn and experience a nomadic life and culture having experienced guides and modern facilities at their disposal. The Jeep Rally affords an opportunity to visit Derawar Fort the most famous among the many ancient forts that are located in the Cholistan Desert. The honorary ambassadors of different countries along with international tourists are invited to explore the country’s mega car sport event. It is ensured to properly facilitate the drivers, navigators and the spectators who visit Cholistan in a large number every year to enjoy the mega car sport event spiced with cultural activities.

Shandur polo 2014 (July 4-6)
Every year since 1936, the government of Gilgat Baltistan holds the Shindur festival which is actually because of a great polo tournament between the rival’s teams of Gilgit and Chitral.  Shandur-Top in Ghizer is often called the 'Roof of the World' (el. 12,200 feet (3,700 m) where the Hindukush in Gilgit-Baltistan, between Afghanistan and Gilgit- Baltistan and Karakorum mountainous ranges of Gilgit-Baltistan meet. The top is flat, a plateau and can be crossed between late April and early November. The grade is very gradual, and the area is crossed by small streams of trout. Grazing in summer is plentiful. Shandur invites visitors from around the globe to experience a traditional Polo tournament. This year also the awesome festival will be held in the first week of July and would be a great source of amusement and fun. The festival also includes folk music, dancing and a camping village is set up.
Basant (Kite Flying Festival)
Basant has been banned in Pakistan for many years now but it seems like that Lahoris (main city of the Punjab province) will see some wild kite flying in the 2014. Punjab Government has decided to allow Basant 2014 from 21st February to 5th March in specific area of Lahore with high securities and precautions. Basant is a great local festival of the province of Punjab which is held every year with such a great enthusiasm and interest in Pakistan. However it was banned few years ago after the killing of many people due to the use of chemical thread. Actually in this games kite is fixed to a long thread to fly it in the air, but since competition is involved so people try to use chemical and glass coated thread to cut the threads of others kite which some time results in cutting the throats of passer-by. People were demanding the government to allow the entertaining festival and after all these years officials has issued a notification to all local authorities that a 15 days Basant Festival will be celebrated in Lahore (Changa Manga Forest Only) from 21 Feb to 5 March. There will be no kite flying in any other area of Lahore except the decided one. People from different countries like UK, US, Middle east specially visit to enjoy this festival.
Here is link to Basant festival 2012 enjoy it..

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Hwacheon (화천) Ice Festival [Buzz Korea]

When it is almost freezing in Korea and nothing to doexcept to remain in home and stay warm, then its the Hwacheon Sancheoneo (Mount Trout) Ice Festival which attract the visitors from around the glob to see and enjoy the ice fishing and skating and many other activities. Dedicated to thesancheoneo, an indigenous freshwater mountain trout that thrives in the ice cold rivers of the county, the event features as its signature event ice fishing.  It is taking place in Hwacheon in Gangwon-do. This almost unvisited area is known as the first region in Korea that freezes over in winter, and the river is roofed with a profuse cover of ice. According to the committee more than 1 million, including 100,000 foreigners attended the 2014 Hwacheon ice festival.
Since 2003, the festival attracted visitors to the Gangwon town some 118 kilometers north of Seoul, offering a diversity of programs including ice fishing and sleigh riding. In 2011, the festival did not took place due to an occurrence of foot-and-mouth disease. The festival is arranged from Jan. 4-26 this year and would be celebrating its 11th anniversary. Since 2006, the number of visitors has exceeded the 1 million mark every year. Visitors have many opportunities to enjoy the ice activities at their best. They can try out ice fishing, and those who are feeling brave can try to catch mountain trout with their bare hands. As well as fun activities and performances, there is also an exhibition of ice sculptures that took 20 weeks to prepare. Visitors can sample raw and grilled mountain trout, both of which are delicious.
I was an amazing day to spend with my friend Abid Mehmood at Hwacheon Ice festival. Thanks to the shuttle bus service who offered their services at very low cost all the way to Hwacheon. After 2 and half hours of travel we were very excited to see thousands of people ice fishing and enjoying the tasty trout. There were more than 15000 holes drilled into the river ice to catch sancheoneo. Although Korean people eat (SUSHI) uncooked and they just love it. However we just put our stuff to be cooked and eat. The Snow/Ice Experience  like sledding, bobsledding, ice football, rides, snow man zone, rides, snow sledding), eolgomiseong (tunnels, slides), snow sculptures, etc.
The skating show is one of the most attracting shows of the ice festival where different arts were performed by the Korean and foreign players. The sculptures were amazing and it was quite interesting how they cut and arranged such big slices of ice. It was incredibly cold however the attractions has moved the people so much that no once care about that and was busy in business.
That was a memorable day full of joy and activeness. The shuttle bus picked us back at 5 and we were at Seoul around 08 to go back home and enjoy our trout… J

Friday, 17 January 2014


Place where MOR Khan is sleeping eternal sleep
17th January
The darkest day of my life when I lost my MOR Khan (mother). 
She was such a loving mother, Like all mothers. I still remember all the love and warmth i have gain from my mother. She was more than a friend with a lovely smile at her face and I could hardly remember a moment of worries when i had my mother behind me. She has a big heart, big enough to hidden all our sorrows, hardships and worries...
I never thought I will be without My Mor Khan in this world.. But i happened.. and It had broken me. But I stood up just to see the world with my mother's eye. Yes To stand at the place where she wanted me to be.
My More Khan is no more with us
But I can still feel her warmth and her Whispering, asking me to be strong
and to be her brave Fakhar Khan

(I request you all (my friends) to please recite Surah Fateha and few verses from Holy Quran. May her Soul rest in peace. Ameen )

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Preparation of Incheon Asian Games 2014 [Buzz Korea]

This blog is written for the promotion of Incheon Asian games 2014. Link is given hereby.

The city of Incheon is ready to attract more of world media, athletes, sports lovers and sports organizations as the date of opening ceremony of 2014 Incheon Asian Games is coming close. See the preparation status here.Incheon is one of the most beautiful cities in Korea located on its northwest side. You can truly find nature at its peak beautified by the advancement of technology and art.
It has been consecutive year Incheon metropolitan government is organizing cricket tournament with the title of Incheon cricket tournament in the month of August-September. Being a member of the Umpiring team I have to go from Ansan to Incheon every weekend to organize and conduct two matches. Each time during my visit, the advancement of the city and the constructive work progress in Incheon compels me to write about the preparation of Asian games. The first look of the main stadium of IAG 2014 is amazing. It is going to be a trade mark of the Incheon city. The renovation and construction of new stadiums, the clean and calm environment of the city and the smooth roads and amazing transportation facilities increase my interest for the Incheon Asian Games 2014. I can’t wait for those games full of the diverse and beautiful culture of Asia.
With the slogan of “Diversity Shines Here” those games will represents and highlights the significance of Asia’s delightful assortment in history, cultures, and religions. The IAG 2014 committee and its sub committees are working hard to make this event a success. In this regards no stone is let unturned. Since 2008 they have completed three of the total four phases of planning and in the early months of 2014 Incheon will be ready to welcome the Asian countries with peace, love and respect.
The “official emblem” which depicts a huge wing consisting of a string of word “A”, assumed as the first letter of ”Asia”, with a shining sun at its upper left, symbolizing the Asian people holding hands in the sky. The official mascots of IAG 2014 are three seal siblings named as “Barame”, Chumuro” and vichuon”, meaning wind, dance and light in accordance with the theme of the main venue of the Incheon Asian games. It is believed that harbor seal which is a kind of rare animals in South Korea and travel between the two sides of the divided Korean Peninsula freely will be a symbol for the future peace between the boarders. JYJ, a famous K Pop group is the honorary ambassador of the Incheon Asian games. JYJ is not only famous in Korean youth but they have millions of fans in Asia whose heart beats with their strings and energetic moves.
The total numbers of venues are 49 out of which 23 venues are newly built and most of them are in the phase of completion. All the venues are in the total drive of two hours of a car and one can enjoy the events at a glance. All these event places are connected by some of the world finest transport facilities like buses, taxis and subway. The main stadium is still under construction and will be completed by April 2014 and believe me it would be one of the wonderful stadium of the world. It would be having the capacity of around 61000 seats and would be used for opening and closing ceremonies beside the athletics. There are other stadiums including Munhak Aquatic center (aquatics), Sipjeong stadium (tennis and squash), Songrim gymnasium (volley ball), Seonhak stadium (boxing and hockey), Gyeyang stadium (Archery, karate and badminton) and Namdong stadium (gymnastics & rugby). All these stadiums are fully facilitated with standard & international facilities for the visitors and officials.
Athletes and media village is planned to accommodate the total 3,367 unites and 16,300 persons both athletes and media personals which consists of the dormitory buildings at the international campus of Yeonsi University and the Songdo Global University and the convention center facilities of the POSCI global research and development center, all these are located in Songdo, Incheon. An internal evaluation team is formed for the operation of the Athletes & media village, to review and improve the preparation of the AV, to welcome and accommodate the participating athletes of the event.
Ticket distribution will be started in few months –planned in the beginning of 2014 – and can be sold out at convenient prices. Since it is a very big event so a lot of volunteers will be recruited.
All that seemed to me a single day story until I have come to know about the reality that all this advancement is the result of struggle for over 7 years of struggle. The OCA(Olympic Council of Asia) – Incheon Vision 2014 was established in 2007 to bring close the Asian sports committees and to bring their sports level to balance. Individual training camps of brilliant young athletes, coach dispatches and working out, sports amenities, equipment support and other financial related matters were assisted to develop the interest of the participating countries and to bring equal opportunities across the Asia to promote friendship, peace and culture through sports.

Almost all the famous games of Asia will be played on different grounds in Incheon Asian Games 2014 including Aquatics, Archery, Badminton, Athletes, Baseball, Bowling, Boxing, Cycling, Cricket, Canoeing, Diving, Equestrian, Fencing, Filed hockey, Football, Golf, Gymnasium, Handball, Judo, Kabaddi, Karate, Modern pentathlon, Table tennis, Triathlon, Rugby seven, squash, Shooting, Sailing, Wushu. Athletes from 45 countries will show the power, competency and skills in 437 events and in 36 sports including 28 Olympics sports and 8 non Olympics sports to win gold medals for their countries. In fact that would be a great step towards everlasting peace around the globe through sports.

The Incheon stadiums are looking forward to welcome you.
People of Korea are ready to show you their enthusiasm, diverse culture, hospitality, advancement, respect and love.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Registration process of passport and CNIC of new Born in Korea [Buzz Korea]

It is indeed a matter of great happiness to get a baby abroad. Soon after getting back home from hospital there are certain things to do more importantly and they are, getting your baby registered with the Korean immigration office and Pakistan embassy. Sincere thanks to my friends Kifayat ullah Khan and Haroon Mushtaq for helping me through this process. This blog is written to help out all those brothers and sisters who have to come across this situation. The required documentation for this purpose is;
1-      Baby birth certificates from Hospital (both in Korean/English)
2-      Passport of baby’s Father and mother.
3-      Alien Cards (baby’s Father and mother)
4-      CNIC (baby’s Father and mother)
5-      Nikah Nama (Marriage certificate)
6-      Baby pics (08) in number and in white background.
7-      Guarantor NIC
8-      03 photo copies of each of the above and their original.

Notarization of the Birth certificate from MOFAT (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)
This is the first thing to be done. The directions are:
Gwanghwamum Station Exit-2
MOFAT is behind the US embassy. There are two roads in parallel; you need to take the next one after leaving the first road behind the US embassy. MOFAT is a tall building, the snap is given here.
Go to 5th floor and on right hand of the elevator there is the notarize section. Give the baby birth certificates with 25000 Won. You need to fill an application and it will take 10 minutes at maximum. After that go to 4th Floor, take a stamp of 500 won and they will make seal your documents. Your Job is done here.

Pakistan Embassy:
In the second phase you need to rush to Pakistan embassy after getting done at MOFAT. At embassy you have to apply for Passport and NIC of your baby.
Take subway line-6 Itewon station Exit-4
Take taxi to Pakistan Embassy it will take 3000won.
The map of Pakistan embassy is attached with their website link and is given here too. It is recommended to download the following application forms for CNIC, Pakistan nationality and passport. Print and fill it before you go to the embassy. It will save your time. Embassy will charge you at the spot 60,000 won for Passport + 29,000 won for NIC. So it is better to have this amount in cash (Remember there is no ATM at embassy and nearby it). Pakistan Embassy receives documents from 9 AM to 12 PM. The passport would be sent to your address or can be received manually after a week in dispatching hours (4 to 5 PM).

(Please download the follow documents, you may need it in Embassy. Photocopies of these documents also work.)

In the third phase you need to apply for the Alien card after getting the passport.

Alien Card:
For the formation of Alien card you need to visit the nearby immigration office with the following documents.
  1.       a pic of baby in white background
  2.       Baby passport
  3.       Father and mother passports
  4.       Father and mother Alien cards
  5.       Marriage certificate
  6.       Photocopies of all these documents.
  7.     Birth certificate
  8.      Form B (you will get it from Pak Embassy )       
  9.      110,000 Won

Fill out the form and submit to the immigration center. The alien certificate may be issued after two weeks.
This document is written based on my experience while doing all this process. Any change in location of offices /required documents and fee should be re-considered before starting your process.  Feel free to contact if you have any questions at
 Stay Happy and keep me in your prays.
May Allah bless our families..Ameen

Fakhar Khan
Hanyang University South Korea 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Thrilling Asian Cricket Players

This blog is written for the promotion of Incheon Asian Games 2014. Here is a link for the official website.

Cricket in Asia is such a famous game. People have a craze about cricket which increases every day. Cricket can be seen in almost every street of Asian countries but for India and Pakistan it is like a war. Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Srilanka are the International Cricket Council (ICC) certified Asian countries; however there are many more countries that are emerging stars of cricket. Here I would like to introduce you the most amazing Asian cricket players with International fame in the ODI and twenty 20 cricket format. These player live in the hearts of millions fans.

Shahid Khan Afridi
Shahid Khan Afridi is known for his aggressive batting style, and holds the record for the fastest ODI century which he made in his first international innings, as well as scoring 32 runs in a single over, the second highest scoring over ever in an ODI. He also holds the distinction of having hit the most number of sixes in the history of ODI cricket. Afridi is one of the top class all-rounder’s of ODI and Twenty 20 cricket. He is called Bhoom Bhoom because he introduces a thrill with his styles in Twenty 20. Currently Afridi is the second leading wicket taker in the Twenty20 format after Saeed ajmal. He is the super star of Pakistan team.
Virat Kohli
Right handed Indian cricket star, Virat Kohli became the fastest batsman to score 5000 runs in one-day internationals when he scored 86 against West Indies in the first ODI in Kochi. He is a kind of batsman who can change the shape of match with his outstanding performance and can be called as match winner player. He has an average of above 50 in all formats of cricket. He is the backbone of indian bating line up.
Saeed Ajmal
Saeed Ajmal is a right-arm off-spin bowler who bats right handed. He is called the Magician. With his effective doosra and other varieties he is considered to be one of the best spinners in modern world cricket. Ajmal has been ranked by the International Cricket Council as the number one bowler in ODIs while Ajmal's ICC current test bowler ranking is number 2. Saeed Ajmal also holds the record for taking maximum wickets (60) in Twenty20 International cricket.
Kumar Sangakkara
Kumar is hot property at the moment and rightly so. He is arguably the most consistent batsman in international cricket with an outstanding average in all formats, making his signing a real coup for Srilanka.  He is left handed batsman and remains Sri Lanka’s wicket-keeper in One Day International and Twenty20 cricket. He was ranked 1st on the test batting rankings, Sangakkara peaked at 6th on the ICC all-time Test batting rankings. Sangakkara has won a certain degree of admiration for his clever use of sledging and is one of few cricketers who are willing to talk about it openly.

Mahinder Singh Dhoni
Right handed batsman and wicket keeper Maheder Sing Dhoni is the skipper of Indian team. Initially recognized as an extravagantly flamboyant and destructive batsman, Dhoni has come to be regarded as one of the coolest heads to captain the Indian ODI side. Indian won 2011 world cup under his captaincy Dhoni broke the record of highest runs scored by a wicket keeper by securing 183 runs against Srilanka. Mahendra Singh Dhoni was awarded the ODI Player of the Year award in 2008, the first Indian player to achieve this feat. 
Shakib Al Hassan
Bangladesh is now an established name in the Cricket World. There are a lot of player’s effort and talent for this position. However, Shakib Al Hasan is a well-known player all over world for his own talented. He is a left-handed middle order batsman and slow left-arm orthodox bowler. The brilliant player has promoted as the best all-rounder cricketer of the ICC ODI and test Cricket. Shakib Al Hasan at first on 22 January in 2009 gets number one place of the ICC ODI all-rounder ranking list. He is the only Bangladeshi cricketers who had achieved this honor. 

Buzz Korea 

IAG Batch 2 Orientation Ceremony [Buzz Korea]

It was an official meeting with the 2014 Incheon Asian Committee on January 09, 2014in meet you all tower Incheon.
It was indeed a memorable night to meet the members of IAG crews Batch. Totally 20 members are selected in this phase of IAG crew selection to promote the IAG with their English blogs writing skills. Plaques were distributed to the newly inducted members and Ms Seieun presented about the progress of IAG 2014. She briefly explained about the Objectives, goals, locations, management, rule and regulations of the Incheon Asian Games 2014.

Gerald explained about the role and responsibilities of the crews to promote the IAG. He enlightens the importance of Crews in their regards. He gave some guidelines on how to write and submit the articles to IAG committee. He also explained about the general things to be considered while writing for IAG 2014.

Mr. Fakhar Khan (Me) was asked to express his opinion about the previous batch and experience as IAG crew member. He said that it is a great opportunity for the crew members to promote the culture, traditions and norms of Asian countries through sports. He said it is indeed a big occasion for him to represent his country at such a distinguished level.

All the crews were provided with gift packs and a lavish dinner at the end.